Friday, March 03, 2017

I am from...

I Am From
(inspired by "Where I'm From" by George Ella Lyon

I am from trampolines and television sets,
diet cherry coke and folger's coffee;
from pop can crushers and nintendo,
microwave popcorn and rice krispie treats.
I am from a cookie cutter suburban house growing kentucky blue grass in a desert cul de sac  
that smells like homemade chex mix and homegrown tomatoes.
I am from the sandy bottom of an ancient lake;
the mighty Cottonwood tree, whose long limbs I remember as if they were my own, 
snowing cotton fluff all over the grass. 

I'm from card games at grandma's, 
hay fever and high blood pressure.
I'm from Mr. Rogers and Marcia Marsha Mae; 
from do-it-yourself cooking adventures,
showing up late and sleeping in.

I'm from "jesus wants me for a sunbeam" 
and "come home when the street lights come on"
I'm from dozens of cousins
sliding and diving at grandma and grandpa's pool, 
and red rock river camping and cb radio road trips.

I'm from Holiday, Utah and pioneer wagons 
tater tots and fry sauce 
(and tabasco sauce too).
From Lorna Crane Rogers, 
who grew up thinning beets on a sugar beet farm in the country,
and planted marigolds with tomatoes in her backyard in the city. 

Their pictures hang on my wall;
a leather-bound book of my mormon ancestry sits on the bookshelf collecting dust,
and family recipes hide in the recipe box among spices and honey in the cupboard above the stove.

from rivers and rocks,
from judgement and sacrifice,
from love and acceptance 
among silence,
I am from these memories and moments.

                                                                                       (my fam, July 2014)

#2 Bon Hiver

winter is melting. small patches of snow linger on the valley floor.  the tulip bulbs are pushing their first green leaves out of the wet ground, like little fingers reaching for the warmth of the sun.  up in the mountains winter seemingly expands with a new blanket of fluffy powder and kisses the steep rugged slopes with ice and frost.  

but the sun is warm.  the snow is soft.  the earth beneath is wise.  she knows the appearance of winter is an illusion. spring is coming. I can feel it in the wind.  I can hear it in my heart.  I can see it in my breath.... change is coming.

(My friend Karin and I snowboarding together at Brighton Ski Resort after 10+ years!)

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