Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I am grateful
for a lot!
but sometimes I forget
to take a minute
and really acknowledge
ALL of the moments
and things
and people
that I appreciate
and experience
in my life
every day.
So, here goes...I'm starting a gratitude journal.
It was Eric's idea...
I tend to get caught up in what my next goal is
and what I'm going to do in the future...
whether at work or in my personal life
I often don't take the time to stop
 and look
at all the things I have accomplished
Or all the things to be grateful for
or proud of
Or happy about...
So...this week I am particularly grateful for

Yoga: hip stretches!!  so nice.
grow your internal garden, breathe, stretch, feel, move
with the rhythm of body
and breath
and spirit
trust the universe.

Good friends:
I'm glad for my friends.
Special thanks to Mabel and Jensu for your inspiration
and friendship recently.
Love you.

My job- good, inspiring work with good people and good benefits and good health insurance with opportunities to be challenged and grow...

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