Barbarian and Sea Monkey, the dynamic duo of the year.
I love Halloween! The costumes, the sugar, the costumes, the haunted houses, the costumes, the pumpkins, the corn mazes, the squash and leaves and crisp air and and and....all the creative costumes!
Highlights for me this year were: the Phantom of the Opera themed haunted house, the Pirate's Cove haunted house, glenn's two-faced reversible jack-o-lantern, going to the party of our performing arts friend Frank, seeing Michael Jackson dance Billy Jean, making my sea monkey costume, finding glenn a human hair wig for his barbarian costume, and last but not least, my friend Noelle's costume: "Barbie's friend Fanny, the overweight barbie that has been discontinued, still in packaging comes with a fanny pack, slim fast cans, and visible panty line strecth pants. (too bad she was up in Arcata for that one.)
I hope everyone had a fabulous Halloween! What a crazy fun holiday. I like it, no matter what people say about demons and satan, I think it's a fun time to be creative ,let loose, and celebrate the harvest of the bountiful season! So there.
One thing I have yet to do is watch the young frankenstein..sorry mom and dad, I hope you kept up the tradition, along with open face candy corn grilled cheese sandwiches, always one of my favorites...
"he was my boyfriend!"
I must admit, I have eaten lots and lots of candy, not even quality candy, just junk candy: peanut butter cups, kisses, neccos, I even had some smarties- those used to be the bottom of the candy trading post pile. Still are, what was I thinking?
Must be left over trick or treating nostalgia..I think after today it's wearing off.
The funny thing is that I don't really feel all that bad about it...hmmmm. Ignorance is bliss. Ain't America grand?
Happy Halloween!
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