Yesterday my faithful blog-writer sister Cassandra informed me that today is Blog Action Day: you're supposed to post a call to action about something. I promised I would so here you go:
What we can do about climate change. What else would I be calling to action about?
This is going to be fun though. Remember to have fun, that's my new mantra with work.
So after spending the day writing a grant for a climate change walkathon, I thought some videos would be fun. Doesn't that sound fun? You know it does. Here is a funny spoof with Will Ferrel on Global Warming...definitely check it out if you haven't seen it
Here's a good star wars spoof about eating organic food that's pretty entertaining too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUi43BCrsH0
I have yet to see Leonardo DiCaprio's latest documentary about Global Warming "The 11th Hour." But that's supposed to be good. Is it out on video yet? I think it's great that high-profile people are making efforts to educate and motivate us..isn't it great?
There is hope in the world.
Here's a site with some videos made by movie stars and others about Global Warming solutons...Some aren't all that exciting, but it's a good idea in theory. I haven't had a chance to watch all of them yet, so it's worth taking a look...
The site has a lot of good ideas and fun interactive stuff too. The Alliance for Climate Protection is the organization that Al Gore helped found. He is giving them of his $1.5 million nobel peace prize money that he received to continue the global warming education he started with "An Inconvenient Truth". (My mom, a devout republican for years, is actually considering becoming a democrat after watching his film. Pretty impressive eh?)

Okay, I'm gonna stop using my computer and producing green house gases and go take a walk back home- I'm stopping global warming!:) [Anything we can do to not use energy helps right?/ It was easier to remember that when I was hiking in the wilderness for a month... There should be a limit to how much time we can spend in front of a computer in one day...maybe there could be a carbon tax at work that says you can only use xx amount of carbon emissions from the electricity it takes to run your computer, therefore you can ONLY use the computer for xx hours per day and during that time you are required to go for a walk or run or a bike ride. Good idea. Save energy and your sanity at the same time. Happy walking!

Dimitris Tsouris, U.K.
1 comment:
Wow, I really like that tree of life picture!
So I didn't quite meet my Blog Action Day goal. I'm a big slacker. But check out my riveting Day-After Blog Action Day post!
Love ya sis.
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