Check out this interactive map of Maine! I'm still learning Maine geography, and history and everything else for that matter...Apparently they have annual dog sled races, sand castle contests, potato and blueberry blossom festivals, and I'm sure there's gotta be some kind of Lobster feed at some point during the year...

So I live on a "neck". at an environmental education institution. on a farm. in the woods. near a town called Wiscasset, about an hour north of Portland, in the state of Maine, on the East Coast of the United States of America.

Bye bye Sunny California! No more West Coast for me...at least not til November...Well actually, that's not quite true. Once I find an affordable plane ticket, I'll be flying out to California this summer to go to two weddings- four wonderful friends from Humboldt State: Lisa and Jesse, and Miles and Daniele!
I'm super psyched for that. I do miss my Oakland pals and my Warwick Palace and well, the diverse richness of the Bay...might comment more on that later...
All my love to my Oakland posse!
For now, I work for a place called the Chewonki Foundation. I think that's one of the funnest words to say ever. isn't it? try it: Che-wonk-ee:)
There are three meals every day that I don't have to cook. interesting. We eat together at round tables with different people every day: teachers, high school students, environmental education teachers, and other Chewonki staff day in and day out...
I live in a house with 7 other staff...The Warren House. That's next to the Betty Decker House and "Packout" - the magical place where all the gear and food for our encampments with kids lives...tents, peanut butter, tuna fish and wannagens- yes wannagens. I don't know if that's how you spell it, but I'm learning a whole new vocabulary living in Maine- such fun words they have here.
I'll explain about the wannagens later.

My life is getting more structured all the time...which means that it's 11:19 and I need to go to bed. it's past bedtime. still getting used to that. breakfast is at 7:15 every morning, meetings at 8, then staff training stuff til 5:30 for the next two weeks...then outdoor programs and lessons with kids five days a week...so it begins...the life of an outdoor educator.
I'm excited to start learning how to make lesson plans and scheming up fun ways to incorporate art and culture and creativity into environment and science lessons!
Now that I am super far from most everyone that I have ever been close with, maybe I'll want to write in my blog more often:)
And maybe all you people that love me will be motivated to write me cuz you'll know a little bit more about what I'm doing on a daily basis...(hint hint, write me comments and e-mails and stuff if'n ya wanto:)
lots of love!
okay, bed time for reals.
good night maine!
I have to admit, it makes me happy to see that you write in your blog even more infrequently than me. But I really look forward to hearing more about your life there, especially how the work goes. Keep on updating! I need to follow my own advice...
enjoy maine!! we miss you, but maine isn't much different to us than california. you're still away. hehe. have a blast! love from utah!
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