I almost forgot. how ironic. I don't feel like I did anything super extraordinary to celebrate our mother earth today; my job is being an environmental educator, does that count as showing my appreciation for our ever-giving planet?
I have a feeling that teachers are chronically sleep deprived and therefore, quickly develop extreme dependencies on highly addictive substances.
like caffeine. I have a feeling that teachers are chronically sleep deprived and therefore, quickly develop extreme dependencies on highly addictive substances.

hmmmm...I've stayed clear of coffee so far, which I am pretty proud of considering...
That little battle I might could deal with (bad grammar intentional), but this whole dialect of acronymese-a language I have detested since my frequent exposure to it in the Non Profit world...I don't know if I can handle much more of it...In the outdoor education field it seems to be creeping into my life more and more all the time...I was tossed a whole bunch more in my first aid class this weekend- HELP!
This week is a special week because I'm working with 1st and 2nd graders rather than 5th or 6th graders...they're excited about everything and go home at the end of each day rather than camping out with us for four days straight; a luxury. This week I am also working with Doug, a senior staff member from last year that knows what he's doing; yet another luxury....I'm learning lots and am feeling like I don't know what I'm doing most of the time, which can be kind of frustrating. Luckily with first graders who are on vacation camp, it's not too daunting- We mostly play fun games and do cool eco- activities outside all day...sounds easy right? Somehow this still takes lots o planning.
I'm learning that a lot of teaching, if not most of it, has to do with group management and lots and lots of forethought and planning-especially with 1st and 2nd graders- "oops, I peed my pants", "wait, I forgot my coat", "do you know where I put my water bottle?" "She pushed me" "I'm confused" "I need a bandaid" "I Lost my drawing and poem ( I somehow lost them already in the past 60 sec walking between point A and point B)"...
Any of you out there with pointers should feel free to share your infinite wisdom...
Especially about behavior modeling, positive language, discipline/consequences, and group facilitation.
Besides thinking about how to improve my teaching and facilitation skills, I'm feeling energized with the warmer weather- Maine is springing to life!
Flowers are emerging. Frogs are spawning and croaking like crazy!
Birds are nesting. Pastures are greening and vegetables are growing.
The sun lingers and a season of challenge and mystery awaits...
Oh ya, went to Vermont this past weekend-super great place! Went to School for International Training for a grad school open house in Brattelboro, then a Wilderness First Aid Class in Burlington- fun cities. Lake Champlain is breathtaking. More reasons Vermont is cool: close to French Speaking Canada, they make REAL maple syrup, they're stoked on good cheese, and they have the fanciest rest stops I have ever seen in my life. Check this out. Plus, topography- hooray!
And, people are super friendly, eco-savvy, and I admit, a little hippish:) You can see past the endless and beautiful mixed forests to mountains + big chunks of rock in the medians along the highway.
I'm thinking about Grad school at School for International Training in Brattleboro maybe next year? They've got some really cool programs. They also are tres cher, so who knows what next year will bring...Thinking about Peace Corps or Fullbright, or maybe more teaching?
Anybody heard of cool programs?
Definitely have got the travel bug itchin' to get out and about in the near future....Would love to get back to West Africa to work with women/girls, dance and do art...am also hoping to get to South America for some dancing and Spanish lessons...Who knows?