So I'm in Utah- still!
The snow is beautiful, the roads are slippery, my friends and family are nice and fun.
I'm glad to be alive. I'm glad to have a break.
I have been having a nice time- look how beautiful it is here!
Sundial Peak and Lake Blanche, Big Cottonwood Canyon,
Wasatch Mountains, SLC, UT
Went snowshoing up this trail today with Jen, Mark, Lisa, and Cheryl:) So snowy!
(We didn't quite make it to the lake....)
Made some jewelry with mom.
I saw a great movie tonight with my aunt Janet- Into the Wild.
You should see it- I think you can rent it even.
You've probably heard of the book by Jon Krakauer
I haven't read it yet, but the movie was excellent as is the soundtrack
(songs by Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam).
This is Chris Candless, the real guy who lived in an abandoned bus in the Alaskan Wilderness...
His story reminded me a little bit of Glenn and my adventure this summer- it's great when you have nothing but you, your walkin feet, your pack and the kindness of strangers to keep you goin...
The message I got out of it is: we need to live our lives to the fullest with confidence and courage, overcoming fear and doubt by challenging ourselves to go out of our comfort zones, be spontaneous, and go on adventures!
I'm working on that.
As this year comes to a close, I am looking for a new job, a real one even- full-time with benefits. Scary thought I know. What about adventure?

It's hard to find the balance between having flexible work hours, having time to travel and adventure while having no dental insurance (current situation), and working 40 hours a week with benefits, but working five days a week, 8 hours a day and not having time to travel very much (full-time job reality).
Trading sponteneity and adventure for security and predictability.
Those loans, those teeth, those eyes, that rent and that food...I'd like to take care of those things.

There is a potential job here in SLC that I am considering, but not sure yet.
Tempting cool friends and lots of family.
Am secretly hoping to find something in CA- I really like Oakland a lot! I've applied a few places.
On verra...
I think it would be good for me to work full-time for a year or two and take care of all those things, then save money for traveling and apply for some scholarships to do cool community building/art/environmental projects abroad. Maybe get a Master's eventually?
How's that for a plan? I'll work and then travel. Maybe I can just keep switching off?...
I want to write a New Year's post in a day or two with some of my goals and dreams and hopes for this next year.
In the meantime, here are some beautiful photos of Utah's mountains by David Whitten.
Big Cottonwood Creek, Wasatch Mountains, SLC, UT
I'm glad to be alive. I'm glad to have a break.
I have been having a nice time- look how beautiful it is here!

Wasatch Mountains, SLC, UT
Went snowshoing up this trail today with Jen, Mark, Lisa, and Cheryl:) So snowy!
(We didn't quite make it to the lake....)
Made some jewelry with mom.
I saw a great movie tonight with my aunt Janet- Into the Wild.

You've probably heard of the book by Jon Krakauer
(same guy that wrote Into thin air about Mt. Everest)I haven't read it yet, but the movie was excellent as is the soundtrack
(songs by Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam).

His story reminded me a little bit of Glenn and my adventure this summer- it's great when you have nothing but you, your walkin feet, your pack and the kindness of strangers to keep you goin...
The message I got out of it is: we need to live our lives to the fullest with confidence and courage, overcoming fear and doubt by challenging ourselves to go out of our comfort zones, be spontaneous, and go on adventures!
I'm working on that.
As this year comes to a close, I am looking for a new job, a real one even- full-time with benefits. Scary thought I know. What about adventure?

It's hard to find the balance between having flexible work hours, having time to travel and adventure while having no dental insurance (current situation), and working 40 hours a week with benefits, but working five days a week, 8 hours a day and not having time to travel very much (full-time job reality).
Trading sponteneity and adventure for security and predictability.
Those loans, those teeth, those eyes, that rent and that food...I'd like to take care of those things.

Tempting cool friends and lots of family.
Am secretly hoping to find something in CA- I really like Oakland a lot! I've applied a few places.
On verra...
I think it would be good for me to work full-time for a year or two and take care of all those things, then save money for traveling and apply for some scholarships to do cool community building/art/environmental projects abroad. Maybe get a Master's eventually?
How's that for a plan? I'll work and then travel. Maybe I can just keep switching off?...
I want to write a New Year's post in a day or two with some of my goals and dreams and hopes for this next year.
In the meantime, here are some beautiful photos of Utah's mountains by David Whitten.

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