Most of you know that I am finally back from my long summer of adventuring with Glenn! I know that at least my dad is missing the blog, so I guess it's about time to write something new. I feel like I've been a lot of places since my last post and was feeling pressured to write a whole bunch of stories and updates first, before I could tell you what is actually going on right now. I decided not to do that. Instead, I have updated the box next to this one with "Summer Fun" and that is where I will put up more pictures and stories about the rest of my summer. It might take another week or so to update since I don't have internet at my house yet, but be patient, and they'll be up soon.
Today I re-entered the world of cyberspace. It's a little overwhelming to say the least. I checked my myspace account- Now I know things about my friends that they haven't even told me yet. I added friends to my facebook account, some of which I don't even know that I know, but I think I maybe know..so I guess we can call each other "friends" now?...Isn't it funny, all of our new technologically dependent social networks and devices? We hardly talk to those around us anymore because we're busy "talking" to our friends and family on our cell phones or e-mail, or text message, or myspace or blogging or listening to our mp3 music or podcasts ... I guess overall it's a good thing, I like keeping in touch with those I love...obviously I like the blog idea, but there's just something not right about the increased technogically-based isolation in our communities with everyone around us being plugged into something...What do you think?
Well anyways, I've been back in Oakland for about two weeks now and yes, it's taken me this long to get things rolling. It's funny that now the frequency of updating my blog is now an indicator of how stable or "together" I am in my life. It's been kind of a whirlwind lifestyle since I got back in town. Back home. It's weird to call California my home, but I have lived here for 5 years now. And I'm living here some more. Is this home? Hmmmmmmm.....
I moved into a new house with a bunch of new people and I'm pretty excited about it. I've never lived with that many people before. I met 2 of my housemates a few months ago through another friend. Tammie and Kat are great, we all get along and have similar interests: we like to cook and jog and do yoga, and do art and play music..I think it's going to be really fun. There are three others in the house so far: Nate, Glenn (not my Glenn, a new Glenn), and Daniel, then four more to come by November. I'm still getting to know them, but they all seem like pretty good people...It's going to be a huge house of recent college graduates tryin to make it in the world, meet new people, have fun, and co-exist in a big house together. I'll keep you posted, but I think it's going to work out. We're going to try and have a lot of communal dinners and build a community together. We're still looking for some couches and tables and a washer and dryer to make it feel like a home, but it's coming together. I call our house Warwick Palace

Check out the
website for more pics...we have signed a year lease, but the house is still for sale to investors and such, so it's online and people come to see it every now and then...
So that's my house. I have a job too. Fancy that. I work for Allison Quaid, who is the excutive director for the
Bay Area Alliance for Sustainable Communities. There's a new video up on the site that I helped with a little, check it out if you want to.
She also started Creative Community Catalysts (the organization Glenn and I were raising money for during our PCT hike this summer.) and a small business based on the same ideas called "
Creative Eco-Catatlysts" and is working on getting clients that we can work with to help "green" business offices. She is a wonderful woman and a great mentor, so I am looking forward to working with her as her "Program Manager" doing a lot of different work with both of these organizations...I'm helping to write a grant for a Regional Walk-a-thon educational fundraiser to stop Climate Change and raise money for Solar Panels for schools. We also are working to get funding to do a big Climate Change Art Exhibit in different locations around the Bay including interactive art events and scientific lectures about global warming and what people can do in their own lives to stop it... It feels good to be doing work that is meaningful and to work for a woman that is so passionate, intelligent, and connected.
Ironically, after living a car-free life for the past 5 years, I now have a car. Thanks to my good friend Jen from SLC, I got a free car! She met a great guy named Andy this summer while backpacking in WY. He was visiting from England and bought a cheap toyota to travel around for the summer going hiking and climbing around the country. He flew back to England from San Francisco a few days after I got back, wanted to get rid of the car, so gave it to me.
I still try not to drive too much to save money and keep my emissions down (remember the whole global warming thing, ya, cars aren't too good for stopping that.) But it's nice to have one when I need it to run far away errands or going places on the weekends. I take the BART to work and ride my bike downtown, which is fun. I live close to Lake Merritt, which downtown Oakland is built around...it's nice to see nature integrated with the city, helps keep us sane I think:)

As for Glenn, he is getting ready to sail to Mexico and continue some adventures on his own to take a break from teaching and do some personal soul searching. So we're going to have a little break from each other I guess. He just bought a boat for a really good deal from a really great guy, so I've been out sailing a couple of times. The sailing community is a totally different world that I never even thought about- It's fun to be a small part of it for a little while- to be able to go out on the Bay in a boat, feeling the wind on your face, seeing the clouds shift in the sky, and feeling the water mist on your legs instead of just watching peacefully from shore...I'm excited for him and his adventures to come.

After living in a nomadic bubble for three months, I am looking forward to having a schedule and a routine and a place of my own. It actually even feels nice to have bills to pay and try my luck at being a normal, responsible citizen trying to make it in the world. Other than settling into a new house and a new job, I am trying to re-establish an exercise routine and a daily spiritual practice, get my house together, and start a new life in Oakland.
Welcome back Krystal Mae
...how long do YOU think I'll be able to stay in one place?
Make your bets.
(I hear a blog is not a real blog unless it ins interactive, so start posting comments!)