Now if this sun would stick keep on stickin' around, we'll be in business...
Giant pumpkin, don't fail me now. Stay tuned for future progress!
In the meantime, here's a cute little story I wrote a week or two ago. Enjoy.
One day my seed sprouted! (remember my seed?)
I shoveled some compost.
I turned the soil. Then I raked it in.
I finished my garden bed!
I planted another un-sprouted seed next store. Just in case...
Then It rained. And it rained some more.
The sun was hiding.
And it was cold.
And it rained some more.
I checked my wall of waters every day. No green leaves popping out of the soil yet...
I bought a couple more seeds. Just in case...and started them inside.
And I waited. and waited...
Still no green.
I started germinating a few more seeds inside. Just in case....
And me and my seed have been waiting....Still waiting...
Waiting for the sun...to warm up the soil.
Still sitting here, patiently. Waiting for the sun.
Maybe that's what hoop houses are for?
Sunshine, oh sunshine, please come back!